Friday, November 5, 2010

Day Five

Day Five
I'm grateful for Trials. Through them we become stronger.
Granted they are never fun. And you don't really want to go through them.
But how else do we grow and learn?
As I said yesterday, I have been praying a lot and longer.
I've been praying for all those experiencing trials in their lives.
There have been many people that are close to me going through
VERY difficult trials.

(sunset after ethan's football game the other day)

Just last night, we received news from a friend that her mom
has two tumors in her brain. Surgery will be in a couple of weeks.
That is all they know right now.

Almost a month ago, we received news from another friend.
She has cancer in her back. Nineteen years old.
that somebody so young could actually have cancer.
She has been very positive about the experience, and is fighting hard.
This was her facebook status the other day:
"Starts Radiation today! That's right you sarcoma, 
You will be annihilated! SUCKA!!!!"
Positive and Determined.
She will go through chemo as well.
But she is so strong, and I know she'll get through it.

At the beginning of this school year my roommate's mom was 
diagnosed with ovarian cancer.
That is a moment I will never forget.
All I could think about was what I
should do or say and how I could help.
We've all been growing and learning a lot.
There was a blog set up to keep everyone updated.
The war is not over yet, but many battles have been won.
She is a fighter and is continually improving.

(same thing, this post just needed pics)

With every trial we grow closer to Heavenly Father. The whole cancer thing can be scary. Trials can be frightening. But I've learned that Fear is of the Devil. We have nothing to fear. If we become scared, that's when we can turn to our Father in Heaven in prayer. He can give us the power to overcome fear and we will get through these things we call trials.

other post:
"Hate and Anger are Cancerous to the Soul"

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