Monday, September 24, 2012

Roommates 2012-2013

This past weekend, we went up Logan
Canyon and took some pictures.
And here they are!

Here's Alli.
She's my room-roommate.
Super cute, super fun.
If you are a single guy...
you need to meet her ;)

Same goes for these cutie's as well!
Here's Lacey and Madeline.
Their wonderful comments can 
always brighten your day.

I'm so glad I live with these girls this year!
Not knowing any of them was a big risk,
but I'm so glad I was placed with them!

Here's the Elementary Ed Majors!
It has been fun to talk with them about school,
and to get answers to the millions of questions
I ask every day!  Such a comfort!
(ps photo credit goes to Lacey!)

We said that these wouldn't go on facebook...buuuut
somehow they made it on there and
 they are just too funny not to document! haha

Mine and Madeline's are my favorite because...

...hehe...i like the girls in the background

I saved my favorite pics for last:
We 'love' the fall colors!

As I was helping Madline to balance, I also tried to
save Lacey from going completely in the water haha

We had a really fun time.
And I was SO happy to spend time up the canyon looking
at all the beautiful colors.
It's my favorite time of year and I wish it
would last longer!

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Isaiah 2:2-3, 5

I had the opportunity to go to the open house of the Brigham City Temple.
I wish I had the right words to express the feeling that overcomes you
when you step into this magnificent house of the Lord.

Our tickets were for early that morning, so when we came to
the celestial room, the sun was streaming in through the windows.
Another moment where I felt that I truly knew that this church and
its teachings are true.

I'm excited for tomorrow!
Tomorrow is the dedication of the Brigham City Temple.
Instead of having church meetings, we get to participate
in the dedication, and I'm excited to go and feel the 
Spirit there.  

"We’ll sing and we’ll shout with the armies of heaven,
Hosanna, Hosanna to God and the Lamb!
Let glory to them in the highest be given,
Henceforth and forever, Amen and Amen!"
-The Spirit of God, William W. Phelps

What an incredible day it will be.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Terrific Sunday!

After church today, we decided to go feed the ducks
up Logan Canyon.

I just love this time of year and going up the canyon
 to see all the different colors.

On the way back, we caught a glimpse of the pretty sunset.

(insert lion king theme song...haha)

At church today, the Relief Society sisters were given
flowers. Sunflowers are my absolute FAVORITE.
Needless to say, I was a pretty happy girl today!

(Oh...then I found this gem of a photo. 
It just makes me so happy! haha)

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Elder Stoor is Training!

So here's his first victim (teehee just kidding) : Elder Arnett

I stole these pictures from the mission blog.
Sister Matsumori commented on this picture by saying
"[The trainers] are a little less stressed than the new missionaries"
....if only she knew how stressed out Elder Stoor really was lol.
But he'll be a great trainer!  I'm excited to hear more
about how things are going tomorrow :)