Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Birthday Package from Elder Stoor!

No offense to anyone else, cause I absolutely loved and appreciated your gifts,
...but this was the package I was most excited for! :)

He was right, I did like the card.
It is so funny, cause I can actually hear him saying
the words...if you click on the picture, it should open bigger
and you can read the words.

 Then the inside:

Then he sent me a 3D Puzzle of the White House!
An 11 in wide, and 6 in tall souvenir
...such a 'Seth' gift haha

But it will be fun to put together, and I just love his gift!
I sure do miss him, but I know he is where he is suppose be.
I love and miss ya bro!

My B-ballin' Sister

I left to head home this weekend after the USU basketball game,
and didn't get home til after 11.  Then we headed out early
to get to Firth, ID by 10 the next morning.
Shelby was playing in a basketball tournament there.
So when I say I went home...I was only there Sunday really haha,
but that's okay cause we had a great time!

Dad was sleeping cause he worked that night, and Meg had
play practice so it was just Shelby, Mom and me.
Shelb did super good, and I can really see improvement.

Here she is going up for a shot:

And did you hear about her posting up???
She looked like she was on the high school team!
Freaking RIDICULOUS!!! haha

Shelb said that during one game, a gal had her elbows 
in her side the entire time....grrrr.  Too bad the girl didn't know
that it would only make Shelby play better!


You can tell that Seth helped teach her how to pass,
cause she could get the ball inside really good

She was the rebounding QUEEN!
I stopped counting after like the 15th rebound haha.
But I bet she averaged 10 or so rebounds a game...not even kidding.

I think there are many, MANY basketball games ahead.
As long as I can watch her, maybe I'll be able to stand
going to that many girls games ;)
Love ya Shelb, you did GREAT!!!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Full Blown Adult

I was lucky enough to be able to go home for my birthday this past weekend.
Mom made a delicious German Chocolate cake.
The Bodily's came over to visit too, and so I had help blowing out
my candles :)  The girls lit all 15 of them...(there weren't 21 haha).

Hehe, I like Porter trying to see the candle Meg is lighting

Porter anxiously waiting to blow them out...the candles
were shaped in a letter "M".

Smile for the camera!...Emma was really intrigued with the fire.

Make a Wish!

Thanks to everyone for the birthday wishes and such.
It was a great birthday!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Awfully Awkward Monday

I made the comment yesterday that I don't really have anything to blog about, because my days have been uneventful.  That was the last thing I should have said, because funnily enough it has been one of the most eventful days yet.  I'm still getting over this sore-throat-headache-coughing-like-crazy "cold" many symptoms, its hard to describe haha...and so yesterday morning I was fine to go to class.  If I'd have known what was going to happen, I never would have entered class.  With about 10 minutes left in class, I had a BAD coughing fit.  You prolly know "that" coughing fit...the one where you have a dry spot in the back of your throat and you think that you'll never be able to stop coughing.  Well, I thought I had a handle on mine and so I took a drink of water...bad idea.

I won't gross you with the details, but I ran back to the garbage can in the back of the classroom.  Thank goodness it was in an auditorium, cause then the whole class couldn't see me in the walkway area in the back...unfortunately sound travels.  A woman that was sitting in the back walk-way came over and "Oh I'm sorry!  Let me hold your hair, how can I help?" I told where my coat was, and she got me the tissue I desperately needed.

I was SO EMBARRASSED.  I swear, you are supposed to be done with these embarrassing moments in grade school!  I wish I could go back to the moment and just get out of there.  And I wish I could thank the lady that helped me, and also do a LOT of explaining!  She told me "I've been there, you'll be ok!"...and I know exactly what she thought my problem was: morning sickness.

I'm not even 21 yet, and this is the THIRD time somebody has thought I was pregnant!  Oh bother.

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Sunday, February 5, 2012

I don't like

I hardly ever have a "real" post.  I always have journal-like entries, that are probably only interesting to my family and I, rather than the blogging of opinions and ideas.  But occasionally I have thoughts that bug me a ton, and because I can't write them all down in my actual journal, I'll do a blog post about it.  But this only happens prolly once-ish a year.  For example,  I wrote this post Hate and Anger are Cancerous to the Soul last year.  I'm always amazed by the thoughts that the Spirit can bring to your mind, and the new insights that I gain.  I read this quote the other day via Pinterest and it keeps coming back to me:

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Every 20-something girl could read this and probably know exactly what it is saying.  Lately, many of my single friends have come to me with stories involving these above emotions.  They are "angry" because the guy they like won't make up his mind, "anxious" about the future and what is in store, "jealous" because the girl next door got engaged and she missed the boat again, "overwhelmed" with school and work, "insecure" because they aren't married yet...and the list goes on.

I would have to say that the above list left off "worried".  Every girl is "worried" that there is something wrong with her because she's 22 and not married yet. Maybe this cute quote my mom shared the other day can help to calm their fears:

If that didn't help, here's my advice to my fellow 20-somethings: If you leave the realm of Utah and its idea that "if you're not married by 21, you are an old maid", that you will find that you are just fine.  And when you start freaking out because everyone around you is getting married...look again.  There are a ton of girls feeling the exact same way you are, and they aren't any closer to getting married than you are.

In the end, the timing of everything and the age that you want to be when you get married or get into your school program shouldn't matter.  We should be worried with what the Lord feels is the right timing and the right age for us.  That age may be 20 years old for some, and that age may be 40.  The important thing is to feel happy and complete being single, though it is still important to have the desire to get married.

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Think about it: how can you expect to find someone to marry soon, if you are not happy with yourself right now?  That other person isn't looking for a sad girl who feels she has no self worth.  He is looking for a happy, strong, and faithful girl that he can share eternity with.  Even though that to-do-list, map, or plan you have for life isn't going exactly how you want it to, we know that the Lord has plan and it will lead to a happy future.

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I don't like that girls feel that they need to be married at such a young age.

I don't like that girls can't see how incredibly awesome they are.

I don't like the fact that I don't always know the timing in everything.  I'm a planner and sometimes it is hard to rely on faith, but I know that it is necessary and possible.

I don't like the fact that I can't see where my life is going.  Hindsight is 20-20 and I just wish that sometimes I could put on a pair of glasses and see my future with 20-20 vision.

There are many things I don't like, and I could sit here and complain about them all day long.  But why do that, when there are so many good things to share?  I've been keeping a gratitude journal, and it never ceases to amaze me of the things that you can find to be grateful for.  Even as I look at the things that I don't like, I can find something to be grateful for.  Though I may not like knowing where my life is going exactly, I'm grateful for the surprises that I know will happen along the way and knowing that if I do my part that I can end up happy.  Today in church, there was a lot of talk about self worth and our Heavenly Father's plan.  If we can just do our part, focus on what we know, and rely on faith...then we can be happy and everything will work out however and whenever it should.

Friday, February 3, 2012

That Sinking Feeling

You know that feeling...the one right in the pit of your stomach.  It comes when you see/hear something that you never want to hear or see.  So yesterday had been a pretty great day.  I was feeling better (just getting over a nasty head cold), had all my homework done for this week, got through my physics test without too many tears, and when I walked out from that test, it was snowing that beautiful flurry-like snow that you want on Christmas.  Pretty good day I'd have to say.  Well being sick, I ran out of my cold medicine, so I headed to the grocery store.  I finished shopping and when I walked outside, this is what I saw by my car:

(Insert sinking feeling here) My exact thoughts were "Those lights are near my car...oh please no..not my car.  Please don't be my car."  It was the longest walk to my car that I've ever had after leaving the grocery store...and that includes one time where I almost cut all circulation off from my hand because I didn't want to bring the cart all the way out to where I parked.  All the way there I was blinded by the lights because it was dark outside.  I kept thinking how the police were just waiting for the poor victim to walk out from the grocery store to find their car totaled.  Trying to think on the positive side, I thought "Maybe they just find my car suspicious..." Oh boy, won't this be a fun story.  "No, I'm not a drug dealer or a molester even though this van fits that stereotypical description."


Thank goodness when I finally got to my car, the cops weren't there to question me or share with me the dreaded news of an accident.  They had pulled over a vehicle in front of mine and it looked like a drug bust to me.  I opened my door and loaded my groceries, an then glanced over at the cops.  One gave me that 'suspicious grin look', as if to jokingly say "Good thing we are busy, or we might have questions for you."  I just waved back and drove back to my apartment.  There's no way I could be a cop, because there are too many stereotypes and I would questions everyone who fit the description haha.  Good thing the cops don't do that to me, or I would be pulled over every time I drove!