Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Awfully Awkward Monday

I made the comment yesterday that I don't really have anything to blog about, because my days have been uneventful.  That was the last thing I should have said, because funnily enough it has been one of the most eventful days yet.  I'm still getting over this sore-throat-headache-coughing-like-crazy "cold"...so many symptoms, its hard to describe haha...and so yesterday morning I was fine to go to class.  If I'd have known what was going to happen, I never would have entered class.  With about 10 minutes left in class, I had a BAD coughing fit.  You prolly know "that" coughing fit...the one where you have a dry spot in the back of your throat and you think that you'll never be able to stop coughing.  Well, I thought I had a handle on mine and so I took a drink of water...bad idea.

I won't gross you with the details, but I ran back to the garbage can in the back of the classroom.  Thank goodness it was in an auditorium, cause then the whole class couldn't see me in the walkway area in the back...unfortunately sound travels.  A woman that was sitting in the back walk-way came over and "Oh I'm sorry!  Let me hold your hair, how can I help?" I told where my coat was, and she got me the tissue I desperately needed.

I was SO EMBARRASSED.  I swear, you are supposed to be done with these embarrassing moments in grade school!  I wish I could go back to the moment and just get out of there.  And I wish I could thank the lady that helped me, and also do a LOT of explaining!  She told me "I've been there, you'll be ok!"...and I know exactly what she thought my problem was: morning sickness.

I'm not even 21 yet, and this is the THIRD time somebody has thought I was pregnant!  Oh bother.

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1 comment:

  1. oh no! that doesn't sound like any fun at all! but on the up side at least it's not morning sickness. ha!
