Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Disney Did it Again

Love this.
Now where's my Paperman? ;)

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Christmas Pictures

Guess I should document Christmas!
Here are some pics from the day

We talked with Elder Stoor!
 (Favorite Part of the Break)

Santa found us all:

Meg got a took Santa's elves a little longer
than expected to finish making....but she has it now.

I got a new set of Scriptures


Shelby got a guitar

Mom got new living room furniture....finally!

And Dad got a new surround sound system.

And what's Christmas without the hairy bird....every year Mom
thinks it is hilarious to hide this in the tree.
Don't ask me why, but I forget every year,
and each time the thing still icks me out haha.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Freezing Rain = "Eat it"

Basically the same story here at USU;
The guy with the girl in the red coat is my favorite.
She makes it to the end, and he's half way haha.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Sleighing on MLK Day

 It was a gorgeous day yesterday;
going to make it extremely difficult to leave
for the yucky air filled Logan today!

But we took advantage of the day off, and went sledding
with the Somsen girls!  We also had a fire and cooked some
hotdogs and marshmallows.  This pic of Soleil makes me giggle.
Oh how great it would be to go back to being four years old
 and have moments where there isn't a worry in the world.

She sure was happy to eat a smore.
"Oh I just LOVE smores! Don't you!?" she would say.

Zip was a kick too.  Here she is burying Logan in the snow:

Here's part of the gang loading up for a run.

Hook your sleigh on and let's go!
We'd drive up about a half a mile and unload.

Dad got the day off so he got to play with us too!

Bishop Houseman joined in the fun too.  Love his smile!

Payton and Logan brought their snowboards.  Here's Logan: 

One time, Soleil and I decided to try out the 'orange sled' instead
of a runner sled...not even kidding, this thing was even
faster than them!!!  I've never gone down a hill that fast!

Me, Zip and Sols

Soleil took a turn going down with Meg too.
I think Megan may have been a little deaf at the
end of this run ;) haha

Til came out to play too

Here's Payton, Shelby, Soleil and Megan

Payton took a turn on a runner

Go Somsen! Go!
She made it half way up the hill to Bodily's old house
on this run.

Here's Shelby

And can you say ADORABLE!? She's so stinkin cute.
Made the day really fun, that's for sure.

Here's Mom going down.  I love the tassels on her hat flying up! haha

The Crew

Thanks for a fun day guys!

If you've never been on a runner sleigh, here's a video
to kinda give you the idea.  I walked up the hill about 50 yds
and then came down from there.

YouTube version might be easier to view:

Monday, January 14, 2013

Jeff Foxworthy on Teachers

I love this, it's so true! haha

Jeff Foxworthy: How You Know if You are a Teacher
1. You can hear 25 voices behind you and know exactly which one belongs to the child out of line.
2. You get a secret thrill out of laminating something.
3. You walk into a store and hear the words "It's Ms/Mr.> _________" and know you have been spotted.
4. You have 25 people that accidentally call you Mom/Dad at one time or another.
5. You can eat a multi-course meal in under twenty minutes.
6. You've trained yourself to go to the bathroom at two distinct times of the day: lunch and planning period.
7. You start saving other people's trash, because most likely, you can use that toilet paper tube or plastic butter tub for something in the classroom.
8. You believe the teachers' lounge should be equipped with a margarita machine.
9. You want to slap the next person who says "Must be nice to work 8 to 3 and have summers off."
10. You believe chocolate is a food group.
11. You can tell if it's a full moon without ever looking outside.
12. You believe that unspeakable evils will befall you if anyone says "Boy, the kids sure are mellow today."
13. You feel the urge to talk to strange children and correct their behavior when you are out in public.
14. You believe in aerial spraying of Ritalin.
15. You think caffeine should be available in intravenous form.
16. You spend more money on school stuff than you do on your own needs.
17. You can't pass the school supply aisle without getting at least five items!
18. You ask your friends if the left hand turn he just made was a "good choice or a bad choice."
19. You find true beauty in a can full of perfectly sharpened pencils
20. You are secretly addicted to hand sanitizer and finally,
21. You understand instantaneously why a child behaves a certain way after meeting his or her parents.