Thursday, November 3, 2011

Gratitude 3

Today I am grateful for something I should have posted yesterday.
I'm grateful for COAT-HANGERS!!! particularly the wire ones :)

On Wednesday, Seth came to Logan.  He came down early
enough to go to Institute with me, and then he went to pick
up his missionary gear while I went to my other class.
Then our plan was to head to Shelby's basketball
game in Westside.  When I got out of class, I had a text that
said he had locked the keys in brother like sister, or
it's gotta be something in the air here in Logan.
Thank goodness Kara & Jake had a wire hanger that we used,
along with a shovel to pry the door open.
(yeah, we looked like total hicks)
We got in about a half hour later, and then we took off
to Westside.  Thank goodness for wire hangers,
or the locksmiths in Logan would be making
bank off of our family this week!

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