Friday, December 23, 2011

Weekend Getaway to Riverton

I got to go home with Lindsay and spend the weekend with her, and her family.  We had a BLAST!  They were absolutely wonderful, and I loved every minute of it.  It came at the perfect time, as it was the weekend before finals began.  The first night, we got into town and stopped by Lindsay's grandparents house.  We visited with them for a little while, and they were just adorable.  They reminded me of my grandparents. 

One bit of excitement I had: did you know that you can see THREE temples in one spot!!!!  The Draper, Oquirrh, and Jordan River temples!  Some people from Utah may laugh at my excitement, but when you nearest temple is two hours away, you would get excited too!  I attempted a photo of the Jordan River and Oquirrh temples, but this is the best I got.

Then, we drove to Lindsay's house, dropped our stuff off, and then went to Gardner's Village where I met Lindsay's Mom.  She works in a super cute shop there called "Up on the Shelf".  I really want to go back to Gardner Village when I have a lot of time and just look around.  It is a bunch of pioneer homes that they turned into shops.  From there we drove across the street and caught the Trax to down-town Salt Lake where we went and saw the lights.  

Seeing the lights on temple square is one of my favorite things to do at Christmas time.

The lights are a magnificent sight to see each year.  If only there was a way to not have so many people have the same idea, haha.  It was pretty crowded, but I did kindof get to see the replica of the Salt Lake temple.  It is simply AMAZING! There were so many people that I wasn't able to hear the little video they had by it, but that's ok...that just means I'll have to go back!...right Dad??? :)

Not even kidding: in the short hour that we were there,
3 couples got engaged.  I guess Lindsay and I
missed the memo, so no worries: boyfriends are on
the to-do-list for next year ;) ...just kidding.
But it was funny to be taking a picture and then
everyone would suddenly be cheering and clapping,
it happened in both of the two photos above.

We had a great time downtown.  There were some interesting looking people, but strangely enough I felt safe.  I think prayer has a great help with that.  While we were downtown, we stopped by the 2news station and called our parents.  We waved like every other crazy person that stands behind the newscast.  

It was a lot of fun.  Then, we had to head back to the Trax.  

Saturday we ate at Kneader's.  It is DELICIOUS!!! and they just built one in Logan!  So I'm super stoked, cause I can have sourdough bread when I'm craving it! :) Before that, we drove to Harriman and saw the "UP!" house.  It is an exact replica of the house in the Disney movie "Up".  If I could buy a house, I would totally buy that one.  Here are some pictures:

I didn't get a ton of photos, because my camera card filled up
and then my battery was dying...sheesh.

They had to put the tub in through the roof because it was so big!

Then, that night we went to the ward Christmas party.  As we pulled into the parking lot, I noticed a car with a 3C license plate.  I thought "No I am all the way down here in Riverton, and I'll know somebody at the Christmas party".  We went inside and I didn't see anybody I knew.  While we were waiting in line, Lindsay's dad said that the person in front of us was from Idaho and that it may be his family.  They introduced me and then we asked if they had any family visiting.  He pointed to the couple behind him and said that they were his parents...low and behold, they are from Soda!  Their names are the Gniegtings and I recognized their name.  I told them where I was from, and who my family is.  They knew practically everybody, and are in my Grandma and Grandpa Petersen's ward!  It was so funny to actually run into somebody from Soda when I was clear down in Riverton. 

I love being from a small town.  Even though I didn't know them directly, we were able find connections and find that they actually knew who I was!  After the ward party, we came back to Lindsay's house and watched It's a Wonderful Life.  We ate popcorn with MnM's and hot tomale candy.  It was SOOOO good.  I swear, I gained 20 pounds that weekend haha.  I have had MnM's with my popcorn before, but never hot tomale's.  I think I have a new guilty pleasure, cause it seriously was chocolate covered cinnamon bears with my popcorn!!!  If you haven't tried it, you absolutely should!

Thanks for a wonderful weekend Lindsay!  You're the best!

Monday, December 19, 2011

A Phone Call...or two :)

Guess who called home today!?
Elder Stoor called from the airport tonight!!!!
He flies out from Salt Lake at 12:55, will land in Atlanta
in the morning around 6:30 and then catch another flight
to D.C. landing there around 9:00.
We wondered if we would possibly get a phone call
or not, but then the phone rang tonight and I saw Mom
with the tears in her eyes saying "...This is Mom...."
We had him call back on his old cell phone so we could
put him on speaker phone.  We talked for a few minutes, and
he is doing absolutely wonderful.  He sounds great, and is 
super anxious and excited to get to D.C.  I just can't believe
that he will be clear across the country in the morning.

Well, we hung up with him and about 15 minutes later Megan
came out with her phone saying "Turn off the tv! It's Seth again!"
He'd bought a calling card, and so he talked to us again for
twenty minutes and then used the rest of the time and called Dad
at work.  I can't wait to talk to him next week on Christmas.
We are hoping that he will be able to skype, but we'll have to see.
He was just sitting in the airport waiting for his flight at 12:55.
Then when they get there (about 13 or 14 missionaries), they
are going to the temple and eating at ihop.  I don't know if
he'll be able to sleep on the plane or not, he sounds pretty excited.

He said that it doesn't really feel like the Christmas season,
but that is prolly cause he has been couped up in classrooms for
the past two weeks.  But I'm sure D.C. will be completely
decked out and once he gets his Christmas package, he will
get into the mood...and if that doesn't do it, serving all of the
people there outta do it :)

He said that he likes his companion (we got to tell him hi),
the MTC food was alright, told us about his flight plans, 
asked if he had gotten all of the letters, and then answered his questions.
We can't wait to hear about his first week there, and 
hopefully he can send some pictures home soon.  But 
what a great early Christmas present in getting to talk to him! :D

Monday, December 5, 2011

I'm Officially Writing a Missionary

And that missionary's name is Elder Seth Russell Stoor!  (No...not what you may have been guessing. Sorry to disappoint!) My big, little brother checked into the MTC Wednesday (Nov 30th).  Many tears were shed as he left.  He kept telling me "It's not like I'm dying! Sheesh!"  I know he's not dying, but I'm sure gonna miss him.  I would have cried even more had he decided not to go.  I won't see him again for two years, but I am so proud of him for his decision to serve the Lord by helping others to receive the gospel.  

He has a strong support system at home and in Soda, so he shouldn't worry because he will have a ton of family and friends praying for him.

Why ever on earth he has to spin me around each time he hugs me, I'll never know haha.

I'm sure gonna miss you bud....I already have, like when something awesome happened and I went to text you about it....and then I couldn't.  I sure hope these two years go by quicker than the last week, haha.

Last pic before I left (Monday night), tears and all.

I only had institute and one class Monday, so I sluffed class and spent the day with him.  I swear I spent half the day crying.  I thought I did pretty good though, until right before I left.  Thank goodness he is my one and only brother, cause if I had to do this multiple times, I might not make it through.  Maybe that makes it harder, since he is the only one....I dunno.  It was kinda a weird thing for him to leave.  In our family we've there is this invisible buddy-like system....there's Mom and Dad, Megan and Shelby, and Me and Seth.  Being so close in age, us siblings have always had our buddy around...and now mine's gone for a little bit.  It wouldn't be that big of a deal...except things are going to change from here on out.  (Insert knot in the back of throat...commence tears).  The "normal" routine of our family will prolly never be the same.  I'd been thinking about that for a super long time (basically since Seth's graduation).

Then Dad brought up that point at "the last supper" haha.  We drove over and met dad in Thayne as he came home from work, to eat at "Dad's".  It was sooooo good!  I'd put Seth's leaving to the back of my thoughts, and then Dad said "Guys...think about it.  This is prolly the last time it will be like this...just the six of us at the table."  (Waterworks again!)  But Mom brought up the point that our family is going to get bigger and better from here on out.  It's kinda weird to think about that fact, but then I thought about twenty years down the road.  In-laws, grandkids...yeah, it's gonna be GREAT!

So there.  There's the post.  It almost makes it official to me that Elder Stoor is gone.  Even though I'm sad that I don't get to see him for two years (though we are crossing our fingers that he can skype on Mother's Day and Christmas), I know he is where he is supposed to be and doing the right thing at this time in his life. I'm so thankful that I have an amazing brother who is worthy, and following the commandments of the Lord. He is going to bring joy to so many people, and I know he is going to fall in love with all of the people he meets.  We have a blog set up, where we will share pictures and letters that Seth sends us and Mom put a quote on it that defines a missionary: "Someone who leaves their family for a short time, so that they may be with their families for ETERNITY".  How true that is, I love it.  I'm going to miss him a TON, but it is totally worth it!  Love and miss ya bud!  Here's the link to his blog:

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Gratitude Challenge...Ok, I totally failed.  Between school, sending Seth off, and Thanksgiving Break, I have had no time.  But don't get me wrong, I truly am grateful for so many things.  I have a habit of finding something I am grateful for each day, and it never ceases to amaze me of the many things I have to be grateful for.  And now finals are coming, and it is study, study, STUDY!!!  It amazes me how I am so busy this semester compared to last semesters.  I thought it might be a gradual process...nope, it went from manageable to "OH MY HECK, THIS IS ALMOST IMPOSSIBLE!" haha, I think that it is a good thing though.  It will keep me busy for the next two years.  Here's a link I found kinda funny the other day that fits pretty good with right now: 

...though I'm afraid that my teachers wouldn't hesitate to fail me! :S  I'm not too worried about failing, but I still would rather not mess up my grades.  I don't think this week should be called dead week...cause it is the liveliest weekend.  I've never seen so many people in the library.  But then this note came to mind:

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Guess it's called dead week for a reason! haha I finished this post I saw this guy (in the library):

Don't worry, he's not dead...but it made me giggle
after writing this post.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Gratitude 19

I'm grateful for spontaneous comments.

Today we went to Sam's Club for free samples!
We're poor starving college students, don't judge haha.
Funny part is, Danielle, Briana, and I went yesterday too.
...ok, maybe you can judge a little now haha...
So, we were walking around and noticed that
the girl who was giving out the free samples of 
this yummy stuff...:

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...was the same girl from the day before!
So, I said out loud "Oh no! She might recognize us!"
(joking of course) A lady next to us started laughing hysterically
at my comment and said, "HAHA! I'll let you pretend to be my children!"
We all laughed, and she walked away laughing.

Then for spontaneous this morning:
Hailey began to sing songs from this wonderful musical

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and so I started to play the music from it.
We all sang and it made for a pretty
glorious morning! :)

Friday, November 18, 2011

Gratitude 18

I'm grateful for snowplows.

Especially since it looks like this outside:

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...cept the roads aren't plowed haha.
We prolly have 5 inches or so here.
My roommate Hailey and I went with our
neighbor Erin to the new Twilight movie tonight.
Right near the end, the movie paused and the
lights came up a little.  Everyone was saying
things like "This CANNOT be the end...WHAT!?"
Then, a lady came in and said somebody in the back
was having a seizure.  So they called the ambulance.
The patient wasn't taken out or anything,
but it was still kinda scary.  Once the EMTs left, they
backed the movie up a minute, and we watched
the last few minutes.  My opinion: it wasn't that
great of a movie...but it wasn't bad either.
I just want the next one to come out now! haha
Thanks for going with me Hailey and Erin! :)

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Gratitude 17

I'm grateful for experience:

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Its almost impossible to explain.
Cause you don't miss the person at all...
but yet you have this feeling like you kinda do.
Then I found this quote on pinterest (of course haha).
I loved being that happy, and I can be that happy again,
this I know.  I'm grateful for every experience whether they
be hurtful, difficult, happy, or easy.  Everything builds us
in some way or another, and we can always learn.
It's just best to live by the fact that: experience matters!

Gratitude 16

I'm grateful for variety.

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Okay...maybe not this much variety.  Let's not get crazy!  But, I'm thankful I don't have to do the exact same things over and over all day long.  That would get really boring, really fast.  Of course I have to do some things every day, but not in the same way or order.  I have to go to class every day, but I never take the same path there.  If I have the time, I usually walk a lot further than necessary, just to switch things up a little.  There are some things I don't like to my morning routine, or my spot in the library...but I still do a different hairstyle or different homework subjects.  One thing where I absolutely love variety is FOOD!!! :)

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So I've been on an avocado kick lately.
Turkey - Avocado sandwiches have been my best friend.
Just to try and change the taste a little, I added some
lime juice to the mashed up avocado. :)
It is sooo good!  You can guess what I'm eating tomorrow!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Gratitude 15

I'm grateful for quiet.
Weird?  Maybe, but I love when things are quiet.
I don't think I could ever live inside a city
where it is constantly noisy.  At least Logan quiets down
a little bit.  The porch of my dream home looks like this.

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I would sit on this porch and watch the sun go down all the time.
Call me crazy, but the other day I walked
to the church to play the piano.  Once I was done,
I just sat there in the peace and quiet.
It was hard to leave...nothing quite like silence.
It made me laugh when Mom sent me this:

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It fit perfectly for today's post.
(pics via pinterest)

Gratitude 14

I'm grateful for my ability to read.
Through it I have gained and can gain
everything that I need to know.

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Whether its reading my Book of Mormon or
reading my textbooks, I am constantly learning.
Even though I sometimes don't feel like reading,
I'm still grateful that I am able to do so and
comprehend it.  It also leads to other things I
am grateful dreaming and feeling good :)

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These are just some of my favorite books
I read growing up (pics via pinterest)

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Gratitude 13

I'm grateful for talents.
And for the people who share them.

My cousin Jenna was in her high school play this past Friday.
They put on "Footloose" and it was so good!

She was absolutely hilarious, playing
and the rest of the cast did a very good job.
I love going to plays and performances where
people share their talents.  That is yet again something
I could never do, and it makes me appreciate them even more.

Gratitude 12

I'm grateful for Veteran's.

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I'm thankful for Veteran's Day.
It has turned into a day where only those who have
passed away are remembered, but we should also remember
and give thanks to those who are currently serving.
These brave men and women put their life on the line to
protect our country and to protect our freedom and rights.
I could never do what they do, and
I'll be forever indebted to them for their service.
Some day I hope to make it to the Vietnam Memorial.
(pictured above via pinterest) 

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Gratitude 11

Yikes! Gotta play catchup:
I'm grateful for dreams.
Hopes, dreams, wishes...whatever you call them.
They give meaning to life.

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And what better of a chance to have
a wish come true than on 11/11/11 at 11:11 right?
Two chances!..and guess what time we looked
at the clock that night? haha.
But that's ok!  Cause I didn't miss it in the morning
and the Aggies beat BYU that night! :)

Gratitude 10

I'm grateful for compliments.

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Dear Cashier at the bookstore,
Thank you for complimenting on my
headband this morning.  If only you knew how thankful
I am for your kind comment.  Uber-stressed about
my language sample project I've been working on
for a solid MONTH and due in an hour from now,
your comment just helped me to smile and
forget the stress for a little bit.  So THANK YOU!
A truly grateful student, Mara

If you haven't complimented someone today,
go for it!  You never know how it might impact
someone.  Even if you make them smile it will be worth it.
I watched Patch Adams last night, and was reminded
of the importance of making someone smile or laugh:

"Remember laughing?  Laughter enhances the blood flow to the body's extremities and improves cardiovascular function.  Laughter releases endorphins and other natural mood elevating and pain-killing chemicals, improves the transfer of oxygen and nutrients to internal organs.  Laughter boosts the immune system and helps the body fight of disease, cancer cells as well as viral bacterial and other infections.  Being happy is the best cure of all diseases! - Patch Adams

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Gratitude 9

I'm grateful for Aggie Basketball!

But no, I am not a die-hard fan like these individuals above.
I'm going home this weekend, and not camping out
in the freezing cold weather all week to MAYBE get a seat
inside the Spectrum.  These tents go on around that fence, and onto
 the HPER field.  It is NUTS!  I counted 14 tents last night,
and that number exploded today.  I do love the basketball
games, but I'll let these fanatics have their fun and I'll
sleep in my warm bed :)

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Gratitude 8

I'm grateful for letters from friends.

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It completely makes my day, and I got two this week!
So basically it has felt like Christmas...or maybe that's
just because they have started playing Christmas music in
ALL of the grocery stores???....haha, too soon people!
Let's get through Thanksgiving first! :)

Monday, November 7, 2011

Gratitude 7

I'm grateful for optimistic people.
Of course I'll never find a person who is completely optimistic all of the time, but I really appreciate those individuals around me that look for the positive all of the time.  I complain...a lot.  It is a weakness I have, and I know that if I surround my self with these positive people that I can improve.

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I found this excerpt a while back.  I don't know who it is by, but I LOVE IT!  It's called  
"What I'm Thankful For"
"The mess to clean up after a party because it means I have been surrounded by friends.  The taxes I pay because it means that I'm employed.  The clothes that fit a little too snug because it means I have enough to eat.  My shadow who watches me work because it means I am out in the sunshine.  The spot I find at the far end of the parking lot because it means I am capable of walking.  All the complaining I hear about our government because it means we have freedom of speech.  That lady behind me in church who sings off key because it means that I can hear.  The piles of laundry and ironing because it means my loved ones are nearby.  The lawn that needs mowing, windows that need cleaning, and gutters that need fixing because it means I have a home.  My huge heating bill because it means that I am warm.  Weariness and aching muscles at the end of the day because it means that I have been productive.  The alarm that goes off in the early morning hours because it means that I am alive.  I am thankful for you because it means that I am loved."

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I took a look at the things that I have complained about lately, and looked for the positive .  Here are some of the ones that I came up with: (I kinda kept with the feel of the above paragraph)

I'm thankful for the burnt toast because it means I have enough money for food.
When the managers turn off the water because I know the value of indoor plumbing.
The price of the laundromat because it means I have clothes to wash.
The smog in the air because I know the value in a breath of fresh air.
The cold, wintry days because it means I know the warmth of the sun.
The overload of homework because it means I have the opportunity to get an education.
The tough trials because I know the blessing of patience.
The temptation and distraction that come from the adversary, because
I'm blessed with a body that he covets.
The bitter sip of that cup so I can know the sweetness in forgiveness.

I came across another good talk by President Faust.
In it he said, "Having drunk the bitter cup, however, there comes a time when one must accept the situation as it is and reach upward and outward.  President Harold B. Lee said, 'Do not let self-pity or despair beckon you from the course you know is right'".  I love that.  It is important to stop constantly complaining, because Heavenly Father's Spirit can not be with you if you are always negative.  It would be like looking at my conscience and having that devil on one shoulder and angel on the other.  If I was negative, of course the devil is going to win.
Every single time.
If you have time, go and read that talk.  There are many different things that he talks about,
 and I find it really enjoyable.  
(photos via pinterest)

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Gratitude 6

Today I am grateful for those make-you-feel-good movies.  You know what I mean right?  They can be sad, happy, funny...basically anything, but in the end they will leave you with that "good feeling".  
The one that was watched today was:

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If you haven't seen it, I highly recommend that you do.  It was a great thing to do on this lazy Sunday afternoon.  Church today was just spectacular.  It has just kinda been one of those "feel good" days too...maybe it has to do with the fact that I am not doing one bit of homework haha.  There were just a ton of things that people said today that totally lifted my spirit, and I knew that they were things I needed to hear.  Some of the things said include: having faith in hard times and through trials, reading the Book of Mormon, staying close and/or learning to recognize the Spirit.  I know how important it is to have faith that even though times may be tough, they will eventually get better.  Why on earth would we put ourselves through such testing trials if they didn't get us anywhere?  We might as well just quit now, and save ourselves the tears and heartache.  But trials make us stronger.  Through the tough times we discover who we truly are and grow closer to those that we love.  Testimony meeting today was basically all about the importance of reading the Book of Mormon (BOM).  I know that it is one of the greatest books there is.  It is the BEST "make you feel good" book.  There are a ton of conference talks and articles about it, but this is one that applies really well to today: In this book I have received answers to many prayers, drawn closer to the Spirit, found strength in trials, and strength to resist temptation.  Many times I have been challenged to read from it daily.  I have done this, but not as I would like to.  I make sure to read from it...even if it is one verse, but I want to make sure that I set aside time each day to read from it, and not leave it til the end of the day.  If I am not tired, and have the time, I know that I will be able to draw closer to the Spirit and learn so much more.  Finally we had a lesson on learning to recognize the Spirit.  I like to think of the Holy Ghost as my conscience.  Sometimes it is difficult to distinguish between my thoughts, and those feelings I get from the Spirit because sometimes I don't want what Heavenly Father wants, but I know that He knows what is best for me and I need to learn to accept what the Spirit tells me, even when I don't agree at that exact moment.  I hope everyone had as great of as Sunday as I did.  Now off to a CES broadcast tonight!  President Packer is speaking, and I absolutely can't wait! :)