Friday, February 26, 2010


I screamed when I found this
this morning:

Imagine 100 balloons attacking you
at 7 in the morning! AH!!

So, my roommates got up at 4 this morning
to make this "balloon cocoon". They are crAzy!
I have no idea how they didn't wake me up,
cause balloons, garbage bags, and tape
are not quiet things to work with.
I was so tired from that AWESOME game last
night that I must have been
completely out! (blog about that coming soon)

They made last night wonderful too!
At midnight, they brought out an
ice cream cake with
sparkler candles! and sang
Happy Birthday, of course.
Luckily we didn't set the fire alarm off!
We all ate a piece early this morning before
we went to bed. It's SO good!!

Lol! I laughed so hard when I saw this picture!

hehe, i'm not explaining this picture...
but i'll tell you that i have
the BEST roommates ever!


  1. You do have GREAT roommates! these are the things you are going to remember about college! Glad you are having fun! I think that is what it is all about....who needs an education?!?!?! Happy Birthday!
