Friday, March 22, 2013

Spring Break 2013

Thursday - Last day of classes!!! Wahooo!!!  Went to a basketball game that night.  (see flag ceremony)

Friday - I had practicum all day.  It was only my second day in the class with the kids.  But I'll start full time this coming Monday.  I'm excited to get into the classroom and get to know these kids better.  It's difficult to try and teach them when I don't really know them.  Let's just say that I hope I don't have to substitute for very long because it is difficult.  That night  I went on a date.  It was a great way to end my extremely long week.  Shawn came down to Logan and we went out to dinner at Cafe Rio.  After we grabbed some ice cream at Charlie's.  I had a fantastic time, thanks again Shawn!

Saturday - I quickly cleaned the entire apartment, packed up my stuff, and got out of my apartment by noon.  I drove to Grandma's and we played a few card games.  I taught her and grandpa how to play "Spot It".  They agreed that I need to bring it to the reunion.  It's a really fun game!!!  Of course we also played a game of hand & foot and she beat me...really bad haha.

Sunday - It was a great day at church.  My home stake's patriach and his wife (my high school english teacher) spoke and both did a fantastic job.  I loved the messages they shared.  Listening to their great talks made me excited for General Conference coming up in a couple weeks!

Monday - I've never been so lazy in my entire life.  I did NOTHING all day.  Which I hated cause then I just felt like crap haha.  I did get a few loads of laundry done, and brushed my horse.  Oh my word, he was hilarious looking.  He's lost all of the extra hair from his face, but nowhere else.  By the time I was done with him, I think there was more hair on the ground than there was left on him haha.

Tuesday - Stake Mutual Dodgeball Night! (see previous post)

Wednesday - Dad and I got up early and went to help out at the Annual Udy Bull Sale in Rockland, ID.  We got there at 8:30 to help sort out the bulls.  During the sale, I helped serve lunch while Dad worked in the back.  After, I helped clean up and Dad helped to load the bulls.

Thursday - We recovered from bull sale haha, and didn't do much during the day.  I did get a few loads of laundry and dishes done and then cooked dinner.  This will sound crazy, but I was happy to finally get the chance to cook again!  I have a hard time finding the desire to cook a good meal for just me (death by leftovers) so it was nice to cook a big meal again.

Friday - We left at 5 that morning for boise.  We picked up Grandma Petersen on the way, and drove straight to Northwest Nazarene College where the dance competition was being held.  We were there til 3ish and then we left to grab lunch.  After we checked into the hotel, and then we headed back to the college for the awards.  The girls competed against a dance charter school and 3A teams, so they weren't able to place.  But I was still really impressed with them, because I feel that they danced their best that day.  After, we  shopped for a bit but we were all dragging so then we went back to the hotel.  Dumby me, I forgot to buy cards at the store so instead we just called it a night.

Saturday - I couldn't sleep so I was up and ready to leave at 8. After breakfast, we went to jcp and another little shop.  Then  we spent a couple hours in R.C. Willey and then the mall.  It was partly torture because there were SO MANY PEOPLE!!! but we survived.  After we finally got out of there, we stopped at the chocolate factory to get some goodies and then headed home.  We left at 4, stopping in mountain home for gas, and then made it to poky at 7 so it went really well. We got out to stretch our legs a bit and then came home.

Sunday - We all got ready and headed to church.  It had been a little gusty that morning, but not too awful.  Well, the wind decided to really pick up and Bishop Houseman decided to end church early.  Meg stole the picture below from Kammi.  No joke, this was exactly what you could see from the entry way of the church.  Twenty-four years to the day there was also another blizzard.  I know this because it was Mom and Dad's anniversary and they had a freak storm come up on their wedding too.  St. Patrick's Day sure seems to be an eventful day!  I waited it out and went back to Logan that night; thank goodness it cleared up before I left.

Most people head somewhere warm for Spring Break...but not me.  I head home to snow country and work haha.  But I'd rather have it that way least I didn't have to think about reading huge articles or writing lesson plans!  I just made it through my first full week in Practicum and after next week, I get another Spring Break (the elementary school's break)....Yipee!!!  Spoiled I know, but after the 9 weeks of heck  (weeks filled with 3 hour classes and then tons of homework) I feel like I've earned it haha.

State Drill Team Competition 2013

Last weekend was Meg's State Drill Team
Competition.  Luckily, I was able to go because it
fell on the end of my Spring Break.  Her team danced
the best I've ever seen them dance.

Get ready for picture overload!!!
I'd caption them all...but I wouldn't have a clue

what the dance moves are haha, so here goes:


Right before hip hop

 Shelby and I truly felt....haha

But we were happy to be there to support her!


Grandma came too!  We had lots of fun.

goodies before awards

There were a TON of dancers/cheerleaders.

In the end, Shelby and I survived haha.
Megan and Sierra did a fantastic job!
Jr. Miss...or I guess it is called now called
Distinguished Young her next big
event.  It's on March 30th, come if you can!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Not so 'Lucky' Buddy

This is Lucky Buddy.
He looks like a tiny kangaroo mouse, but we
looked him up on the internet and decided
that he is probably a deer mouse.

He is the smallest mouse I have ever seen.
We figure that it is probably a baby.
Anyways, I need to tell the story of how he
came to our classroom:

My cooperating teacher and I were talking before
school started when a small ball rolled into the room.
Or so we thought that is what we saw out of the
corner of our eyes, but then a teacher came in from
the hall and said "There's a mouse in your room!!!"
You can imagine our reaction:

Dramatic Mom #8: HOW TO FREAK OUT A MOUSE "I was standing at the sink when I felt something brush up against my toes. Being a Mom, I subconsciously imagined my toddler at my feet, thus the delayed reaction. When my brain registered that I was alone, I looked down. That's when the screaming began - which freaked out the mouse. The creature, scared witless, ran around & around & around in a circle while I screamed. When I finally shut up, it zipped out of its loop of infinity & out of the room."

Mrs. O grabbed a square bin and put tape on the sides where 
the handles were.  I kept track of the mouse and when she had
the 'trap' ready, she literally dove and caught the mouse!
It was hilarious!  The other teacher helped her to tape up
the top of the bin.  I wish I could have filmed the whole process.

It was fun to introduce the mouse to the students.
The next day, the students voted on a name.
The other teacher's class of 1st graders named him
Lucky because he was lucky not to be killed.
(as most of the other teachers...including me haha...
would have just killed him).  Our class voted on
a bunch of names and came up with Buddy.
Thus, he then became Lucky Buddy.

Well, I took this picture right before I left class yesterday.
Lucky Buddy slept in this position all day.
Occasionally we would tap the container...just to make
sure that he was still alive.

I went back to the classroom this morning and
my cooperating teacher told me the news....
"Lucky Buddy [was] no longer with us".
...haha, oh how we had big crocodile tears in the
first grade classroom!  Our fourth graders weren't
too upset, though I know they were
disappointed.  The funeral will be tomorrow.

Yes. A funeral...(ha).  He will be laid to rest
underneath the bushes outside the school.
So if you drive by tomorrow and see a few
teary eyed students...know that they will be okay,
because our friend Lucky Buddy is now
happy in mouse heaven.  So that was my first
day for full-time practicum!  I doubt I will ever
have an 'uneventful' first day haha.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Flag Ceremony

Last Thursday I went to my last Aggie Basketball
game of the year.  There was one Saturday too, but
I came home for Spring Break that day instead.
But I was really glad I went Thursday night because
my cousin Jake did the flag ceremony.
He carried the Utah flag.  They did a great job!
Here's some of the pics I took:

I should have videoed him coming in!....
just didn't think about it until after, but here's what I got:

You did great Jake! and thanks to
 you and Kara for sitting by me! :)

Tuesday, March 12, 2013


Tuesday night was Stake Dodge-ball for mutual.
All of the youth in the wards competed against each other,
and then the winners took each other on at the stake center.

Here they are getting ready to go.
They may have been lower in numbers, but that
didn't stop em!

Kammi was excited that Garrett caught an opponents ball

Here's Garrett giving throw

The girls kinda hung back....those boys could
throw those balls super hard!

Here's Logan

Meg got to play in the first round before she had dance practice.

Payton goes for a shot.

Somsen missed a close one 

Case really got into it too

Dad concentrated hard on his throws (note the tongue ;)

Guess who won it all!?!
In the final game, it came down to just Cooper against
two boys.  She caught both of the balls they launched
and won the whole thing!  Everybody was pretty stoked!

I didn't catch very many photos of the 'championship' game as
they had me join in at the beginning because they needed a
third leader and Somsen wasn't there yet (she showed up right
as we started).  I basically stood in the background haha, but
it was great entertainment! Way to go Grays Lake Ward!