Friday, September 9, 2011

La-La-La Lindsay!

I have the most adorable roommate!
I love them all, but I'm definitely glad that I'm
sharing a room with Lindsay.
I met her last year, but never really got to know her.
And I'm super bummed that I didn't!
But I'll make up for it this year.
The spirit just radiates from her, and
everybody loves her.
When I moved in I found this note on my bed:

She is so sweet, and I have just loved being around her.
I know she thinks I'm crazy, especially
when I have tried to do random things in my sleep
(like hand her my idea haha)
but she puts up with me, and I know this year
is going to be great!


  1. i'm so glad you have such awesome roommates! i miss seeing you!

  2. miss you too! i hope this year is going good for you
