Sunday, September 25, 2011

Decorating the Apartment

Boy was it an adventure!
Danielle and I were tired of our white walls,
and so we were hunting on the computer for decorating
ideas and we found in the words of Danielle:
"geometric yarn creations" haha.
We put tacks all over the walls and then strung yarn around
them to make super sweet designs on the walls.
Then, we created this homemade glue-like substance.
We strung the yarn through it and then wrapped it around
the balloons creating, as in the words of Danielle again:
"yarn balls".  We had seen these "balls" on campus as decorations
for homecoming, liked them, and now
they are now hung around our apartment.

We also made muddy-buddies that night. Yum.
Then, we also had a visitor that night.
(see top right of collage)
We call it a leaf can tell me the real name.
I'm super glad our walls finally have color and
our apartment can hopefully reflect how
truly awesome all of these girls are.
 A big thanks to Danielle for a super fun night,
and now you should all come visit our apartment!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Happy Birthday Dad!

Happy Birthday to my Dad!
He told me about 500 times that we were
going to take family pictures at this waterfall...
we finally did haha.

 Katie snapped this photo of him
the day that we came home from work
to watch Seth open his mission call.
He (evidently) came up to pick huckleberries
with me my last night of work, lol.

I wish I could have come home this weekend,
but I'm heading to How, ID for my
friend Kelsi's farewell Sunday.
But I hope you had a great day Dad!
Happy birthday, love ya!

Dear Hikers...

Dear hikers of the Crimson and Riverside Trails,
My face cleared all of the possible spiderwebs that
would have been in your path. Happy trails...pleh!
Yours Truly, MnM

I got up early this morning and decided to
go for a hike.  I've always wanted to go on the
Crimson Trail, so I packed a water bottle
and a rain jacket and was on my way!

It rained last night and so the fog was awesome.
It made part of the trail slick because it was so
muddy, but overall it wasn't that bad.

I absolutely loved this hike (except for the spiderwebs).

I'd just walked all along the top of this ridge.

Crimson Trail

At the bottom of the mountain, just above the
Spring Hollow Campground there's a river...maybe
its a spring haha. I didn't have time to run up
to the top of it and see.  But it was really pretty too.

After I saw the river, I went down and followed
the Riverside Trail back to the beginning of the Crimson Trail.
(They make a loop)  Riverside Trail was super easy.
It's more like a walk with a few hills haha.

It was a beautiful hike. I really want to go back up next month
when all of the trees have changed their colors too. 
But if you haven't gone on this hike, I recommend it!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Webcam 101 for Seniors....

Thanks to Mikayla for posting this on facebook.
I tell ya, I could just hurry up and become a grandma
cause it's gonna be hilarious.
"We never really grow up, we only learn how to act in public"- Unknown
(ps when i got on to check my email this morning, this was on the news! haha)

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

What comes after Monday and Tuesday?

"After Monday and Tuesday, even the calendar is saying WTF?..."
This explains my week thus far.  Here's hoping it changes soon, or
at least speeds up so we can get to the weekend already!

But on the bright side: check out this video of some heroes right
here in Logan.  

And they interviewed my Stat's Recitation leader (Abbass) from last year,
cause he was one of the ones helping to push the car.
Every news station had it, 2news interviewed the
guy who caught it on film.

(salt lake tribune)

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Seth Opening His Mission Call

Seth opening his call.
I videoed the whole time he read the letter.
Grandma Petersen's reaction just makes my day!
(couldn't get it to load so I put it on youtube)

Today I Pray

(Words to the above)
"Tragedy has knocked at our nation's golden door.
The dust fell so thick and so heavy, we felt it all around us,
even though we're hundreds of miles away.
With you and with others all across our land, we grieve and we pray.
Lady Liberty may be surrounded by ashes, but she still stands
and her light shines in the hearts of Americans who rally to the aid of those who suffer.
Her light shines in the hundreds who lined up at the local red cross
ready and waiting, for three hours of more,
to give blood to someone they don't know on the other side of the country.
Her light shines in the unnumbered throngs who have gathered in prayer today.
Her light shines in memory of those who have died.
Our nation has overcome tragedy before and we will rise triumphant again.
The words of Abraham Lincoln echo through the ages: "Let us strive to bind up the nation's wounds. To do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations.
We are one nation under God and we turn to him for peace and hope
He is the balm that will heal the wound.
He is the calm in the midst of the storm.
He has comforted his people through the ages.
To Joshua of old and to each of us today his promise is sure

I will not fail thee nor forsake thee.
Be strong and of good courage.
Be not afraid
neither be thou dismayed,
for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest."

People pause by the waterfall pool at the National September 11 Memorial before a planned ceremony marking the 10th anniversary of the attacks at the World Trade Center site, Sunday, Sept. 11, 2011, i
(via yahoo)

"Time is passing.  Yet, for the United States of America, there will be no forgetting September the 11th.  We will remember every rescuer who died in honor.  We will remember every family that lives in grief.  We will remember the fire and ash, the last phone calls, the funerals of the children." - President George W. Bush

US President Barack Obama marked the tenth anniversary of the September 11 attacks
(via yahoo)

What a wonder it would be to be able to visit the memorial alone.
Even though there will continually be people visiting,
I hope that one day I can visit this place myself.
I am always amazed at how this event has touched me
even though I was so far away.
Today I pray for all those who lost a loved one,
who were heroes to the many who survived, and
to those who have been touched by this event.
What a blessing it is to have the knowledge of the true gospel
in my life.  I know that our Savior suffered and died on the cross for us.
Through that great act, we can return to live with Him
and those that we love.
If only everyone could have the same assurance,
that this life is not the end.
What a comfort.

Friday, September 9, 2011

La-La-La Lindsay!

I have the most adorable roommate!
I love them all, but I'm definitely glad that I'm
sharing a room with Lindsay.
I met her last year, but never really got to know her.
And I'm super bummed that I didn't!
But I'll make up for it this year.
The spirit just radiates from her, and
everybody loves her.
When I moved in I found this note on my bed:

She is so sweet, and I have just loved being around her.
I know she thinks I'm crazy, especially
when I have tried to do random things in my sleep
(like hand her my idea haha)
but she puts up with me, and I know this year
is going to be great!

They Called Him On a Mission

Seth is called to serve in the
Washington, D.C. North Mission!

He leaves November 30th.
Told ya he'd go somewhere tough
where he'd need to put those
good politician skills to use, haha.
I'm so proud of him, and I absolutely
can't wait to hear about his experiences.
Love ya bud! Now get here already!
Today has already been too long!
(He's coming tonight, and then we are
going on our Cousin Lagoon Trip tomorrow.
I'm soooo excited!)