The start of the "Five Feel Goods"
So I follow a blogger that does this and I have seen it more and more, and I think I'm gonna jump on the bandwagon. Each week I want to have a post about five things I'm thankful for that week. If it is anything like the last 'thankful' posts, I know I'll prolly have a whole bunch of crazy random posts! Here are five things that make me feel good / I'm thankful for :)
#1: The Sun
"There is springtime in my soul today,
For when the Lord is near,
The dove of peace sings in my heart,
The flow’rs of grace appear.
Oh, there’s sunshine, blessed sunshine
When the peaceful happy moments roll.
When Jesus shows his smiling face,
There is sunshine in the soul!"
Today the sun was shining...mostly...and it was just wonderful!
I absolutely loved it!!!!
The sun can just make you completely happy sometimes.
I sure hope it comes out again tomorrow.
#2: Pianos
Today I was once again able to go to the church and play the piano. It is my de-stressor and man! I sure can leave my entire load on the keys. After I play a while, I can completely lose myself in playing. I've played for hours upon hours when I only realize because my back aches. Today was one such day :) but I love to play the piano! I can clear my mind completely, and it just makes me feel oh so good!
#3: Tangled
Ok, if you haven't seen this movie gotta. Disney did it again. I think it is so cute! and it will give a lot of laughs. Here is one of my favorite parts of the movie. The lyrics to this song are so funny:
#4: My phone
I have been so fortunate to have a cell phone that I can call home with. Without it, I would definitely be homesick all of the time. I can't imagine not being able to talk with my mom everyday. I would be up the crick without a paddle if I couldn't call dad to get help. The other day our sink became clogged...hehe, but I'll spare you the details...and so I called Dad. It looked like it might be a simple job to just unbolt it, but I wasn't sure. This happened at 2 am and he was at work so, I gave him a call and he told me how to do it. Thanks again Dad! and then I also get to use my phone tomorrow to hold an interview for my job over the summer. Crossing my fingers I get it! :)
#5: This Quote
"I've heard there are troubles of more than one kinds. Some come from ahead and some come from behind. But I've bought a big bat. I'm all ready you see. Now my troubles are going to have troubles with me!" - Dr. Suess
I really enjoyed this quote today. It's just...applicable haha. He has some great lines. There are a bunch of people I want to meet when I get to the other side, and yes...Dr. Suess is one of them :)