So for a quick rundown of my Spring Break:
Fri-Mon - Papers and tests
Tues - haircut...only trimmed a few inches
Wed - Udy Bull Sale
Thurs - Made cookies with Gma, cleaned car, got Meg stuff to go to her track meet
Fri - left for Rexburg, then headed to Boise
Sat - Cheer competition,, mall drove home
Sun - church, and drove back to Logan
I "went home" for Spring Break, but was really only there
on Monday and Sunday. But it was a good break,
cause I wasn't stressing about homework or other school things :)
I don't have pics of everything, but I did take a bunch all while we
were up to Boise for Meg's cheer competition.
When we first got to Boise, we picked up some Framed Legacy pics
that Mom had there and then we went right to eat.
WE went to Joe's Crabshack, and boy was it good!
They gave us an entire POT of food.
There was soooo much, but still really good.
Shelby was really excited about her broccoli.
See that little boy behind her? He was flirting with me
the whole time. His little smile was so cute!!!
"Let's get Crackin!" haha...oh, and please ignore the
shirt hanging in the background...they weren't very good :S
Dad was happy!
Definitely not a place you'd go to all the time
(super expensive) but it was super yummy! :)