Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Manny the Milk Jug

So I went shopping yesterday.
When I got back, I was putting my name
on my food. Nicole was there, and so because
she has such cute handwriting, I had her write
my name on my jug. Well, Lauren got in on it too, haha.
Here is the result:

With such a face, the milk jug
also acquired a name: Manny!...
...haha, doesn't take much to entertain us! :)

Sunday, September 19, 2010

From Gospel Doctrine teacher to...

...1st Counselor in the Relief Society!!!
How crazy is that!?
Seeing that I had a calling like that
last year, I figured that this year I would
get a calling like "ward greeter" or "birthday specialist"
haha, but i'm not saying that those are not important.
Every calling is equally important,
I just figured that I would have less
responsibility this year.
I guess I've got a lot in store for me!
I hope to serve the best I can,
and hopefully know the needs of the girls in my relief society.
There are two relief societies in my ward, about 60 girls in each.
I didn't get a good picture of the other presidency,
but here are the girls I get to work with!

(me, 2nd counselor linsey, president lisa, and secretary meredith)
Aren't they beautiful!!!??

I'm so excited to work with these gals!
This past weekend, we went on a
"Relief Society Retreat".
The RS Stake Presidency put it on,
and taught us all how to fulfill our callings.
It won't be easy, but with what they taught
us this weekend, I know I'll be able to do it
if I just rely on the Lord and keep the
Spirit close to me all the time.
I know that these girls are the ones
that should have these callings.
Heavenly Father knows them, and He knew
what he was doing when he called them to these positions.
The Spirit testified of this to me this weekend.
I just hope to serve them and
Heavenly Father the best that I can.
T.C.I.T. - The Church is True!!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Always Remembering...

September 11, 2001

I'll never forget the lives that were
lost that day.
I'll never forget the selfless
sacrifice that so many put forth
in order to help others.
I'll never forget the meaning of
this picture:

Even now it is still unbelievable to me
that something like this could have happened.
It's been 9 years.
On that day, I didn't understand
the impact of what had occurred.
I knew it was bad, but it took
me a few years to realize just how
bad it truly was.
I was washing dishes before
I caught the bus that morning.
Seth was in the living room, and
told us to come and look at the tv.
He said something along the lines
of "Wow, cool!". Wondering what would
excite a 3rd grade boy on the news, we went
in to the living room.
I can still hear Mom saying,
"No, that isn't cool. That's bad"
Not knowing exactly what to do,
us kids got on the bus.
The bus driver, Mike, had the radio
turned up, told us to be quiet,
and that we prolly weren't going to school today.

This video was put to a song
by Alan Jackson:

...the message is still just as powerful...

Then, there's a song by Darryl Worrley.
If you haven't heard it,
I think that it is really good too.
I'm proud to be an American.
I'm thankful that I'm living in
this beautiful, safe world, and
I'm thankful for those in the service
that are keeping it that way.

Friday, September 3, 2010


There's been this really disgusting odor
coming from the foot of my bed. I took out the garbage,
and febreezed the crap out of my room...and it still stunk.
Guessing it had to be coming from under my bed,
I lifted up the mattress and board to find
slippers, socks, and dirty underwear!!!
There are three drawers that pullout from
under my bed, and the last tenant's clothes must
have fallen out under the bed....though I
just can't get over the dirty underwear part. YUCK!!!!
Lesson learned: check under the bed
when you move in, even if there is a
"box" that shouldn't let stuff get in!