Saturday, January 23, 2010

Another Walmart Adventure

Oh yes, another. There have been many, but this one's the first to be documented. I took a lot, but here are a few that capture the night.

Lauren, Kali, Nicole, and Julia. We were all so very excited!

On our way!

Nicole-woah! don't tip over!

Lauren-Ready to race

Julia-back to her younger years

Nicole's face=priceless!

"Hey! make a scary face!" AH!! Lauren nailed it!

Attempting to find the movie at the McDonald's!

At the Smith's!

We decided to give up. We cooked the pizza's and are now finishing Ever After. Thanks for an awesome night girls!


  1. You have an amazing family... It's fun to see your blog! I just wanted to let you know how thankful I am for your families support and for placing Stephen's button on your blog. Thank you so much! I'm glad that you are so happy and it seems as if you make life lots of fun... good for you! Enjoy today. and the rest of your week :)

  2. Thanks! Your so sweet! I've enjoyed reading your blog. It has touched me and my family. But how wonderful it is to know of our Heavenly Father's plan! It makes me so excited that I can have a family of my own, and keep that reassurance that I can be with them forever...I hope others will see Stephen's button and learn from him as I have.
