Thursday, October 17, 2013


I have a confession.  But before I divulge, here is a little background:

Yesterday, I decided to go shopping.  My diet has been nothing but chicken noodle soup and chili for the last 5 or so meals (oh how I love my Grandma's chili and Mom's soup!).  However, there comes point where you just can't eat either of those meals again for a really long time and yesterday I reached that point.  Sad to say, I was craving something green....lettuce, cucumbers, beans, and anything else that would fit in that category!  So, I headed to the grocery store.  My 'house-mate' Sandy (or however I title her haha) went on a trip this weekend and her daughter was out with friends, so I went alone.

I went to Smith's and started in the 'can' section.  Through my time spent in the grocery store, I have found that I head there first.  Otherwise my bread comes out of the store looking like a pancake rather than a loaf.  After, I headed down to grab some milk and yogurt.  On my way there, I passed the candy isle.  Two weeks ago, it was overloaded with Halloween candy; orange and black decorations were everywhere, and candy was just spilling out of the bins.  I remember thinking that there was probably no candy back in stock because it was all out in the isle!

Well yesterday the tune had completely changed because the middle of the isle was absolutely clear.  The shelves were only stalked half way on each side.  I was on the opposite end, but I could still see the red and green boxes with snowflakes peppered all over them.  Yes.  You guessed it: Christmas candy.  I couldn't believe it!  October is barely half over and they're yanking out the Christmas candy already!!!!

I finished my shopping and came back to the house to put it all away.  I kept thinking about how ridiculous it was that they had already put out Christmas candy.  I finished my day, and thought nothing more about it....until tonight.

Which leads me to my confession: Because I am here at the house alone and I passed the Christmas isle at Smith's, my inner child got the best of me.  I have been blasting Christmas music for the last two hours.

Hopefully this was just a phase, and it won't return for another 42 days.  ;)