This guy graduates tomorrow.
He'll be leaving for a mission soon too.
Kinda scary how fast time goes.
Seems like yesterday when I was thinking
"Wow, he goes to high school with me now..."
but that was four years ago.
Where does the time go!?
But here you have it; these are the two
announcements that I made up.
I had a bunch of others but we ran short
on time, and these are the ones he liked best.
He is partial to the second one, but we
needed some 'refrigerator-appropriate' ones ;)
Now welcome to the 'real' world.
Whatever it's like, I know you'll do great things.
Here's lookin at a future vet, bishop, and dad....
I'm sure when all these things come about it will seem
like it has happened in the blink of an eye.
But I can't wait to see it all unfold.
Congrats Bud!