It brought me to tears because it was so nice! She make's me sound like an awesome person haha. I need to introduce her! Briana is one of my dear friends that lives in 'outer darkness'...or so they've dubbed their apartment because nobody ever comes to visit them. Well not anymore cause you'll occasionally find me there! Briana is just a sweetheart, and so I must blog about her! I wish she would blog more, because I truly enjoy reading of the many adventures other people go on...hint hint ;)...And believe me, she has many epic adventures with her roommates: Kelsi, Brittney and Danielle.
They have been so kind to take me along sometimes! :) In fact, they all went on an adventure to Salt Lake last night and invited me to come. I wanted to go so bad! but of course I've needed to be here shoveling tons of snow, and helping with the cows. But that is ok cause we have plenty of time to go again! and it sounds like they have a grand story for me! :)
All of the adventures so far have been truly marvelous and just wouldn't be the same without Briana. When I do crazy things like climb a snow-covered mountain, dance crazy around a fire, or play the piano forever and ever, she is there and doesn't judge me for how insane I can be! She has even rode in THE van (blue tarp stuff in the grill, sliding door doesn't work, curtain-like blanket inside to keep heat in the front, smells like a freshly worn pair of coveralls) this shows true friendship, teehee.
Ok, now this next fact is just pure awesome: she writes songs...woah. I am in awe, cause I freaking LOVE music and what she has written is beautiful. Which reminds me: she along with her roommates wrote a song for me. It's pretty much the most incredible song ever! and I'm sure if you asked them, they would love to sing it for you ;) But I absolutely love Briana and her willingness to share her talents. I love playing games in her apartment, and how they all laugh and enjoy the things we give as a relief society presidency (like these glasses with the pockets of sunshine)
The funnest trip this year to Walmart was with Briana:
Even though I don't like this picture of me, I think it shows our excitement to give Danielle her gift.
Briana is a perfectly awesome blogger, she's just gotta do it more! But there is one correction that I must make in her last post: She thinks I always go home on the weekend, but this is not true! I've only gone home twice this semester...that's not even once a month! I was just always taking off to go to Seth's games in Malad or Marsh Valley, etc. haha, but she has always forgiven me for going away so often. Now that basketball is over I'll definitely be in Logan more and I hope that we can make the most of this semester! But if that isn't enough time, I'm lucky enough to have this girl as one of my roommates next year! It is going to be a blast! :)